

Just in case that you haven't noticed it yet...
I can't just get over it! So open you fucking eyes and see that I still love you... I still love you so much girl...

6 comentários:

Mikumikitakika disse...

so por curiosidade... estas a falar para quem???

David Matos disse...

Bem mor, that kinda sucks .. mas pah pode ser q um dia tu e a pipa conseguiam resolver.. nao deixes de acreditar! after all she's your best friend @ nao percas a esperança!! ^^

Mii disse...

She was... She isn't anymore :x and that hurts so badly... I don't even know what did I do wrong... perhaps if I knew I could have change... I would change for her $:

David Matos disse...

Doesn't matter!! why don't you confront her? s:

Mii disse...

I tried it... it doesn't work :S she just run away from the conversation x.x

David Matos disse...

encosta a parede xD e manda tudo ca pa fora!